Summertime in Australia is truly remarkable. Just the word alone conjures visions of camping, group beach days, delicious swims in bright blue water, and long days that turn into long nights. Oh — and sun exposure.

You’ve heard it before and you’ll hear it again. Australia is synonymous with high UV levels, thanks to our location near the equator and the proximity to depleted ozone layers at the South Pole[1]. It’s also worth noting that According to Australia’s Department of Health, this fine country has the highest skin cancer rates in the whole words — an astounding 1 in 34 people[2].

It goes without saying that the skin requires a bit of extra nurturing and preparation to thrive in the summertime. A few of our favorite practices to prep the skin for summer, are from those who know skin best.

All of the sunscreen

Consider sunscreen as your new accessory — make sure you stock up on plenty. Leave it in

beach totes, your bathroom, your car, and everywhere in between. The trick is to make it easy to apply sunscreen by having it always accessible.

As a reminder, sunscreen acts light a deflector for UV photos. When UV photons interact with the skin, they can generate free radicals, which damage DNA. Too much UV exposure also burns skin, a process that involves vessels to increase blood flow to the skin as a healing mechanism, resulting in red skin[3].

We favor mineral over chemical sunscreen as it sits on top of the skin, creating a protective barrier, rather than soaking into the skin. At a minimum, use 30 SPF which protects up to 96.7 from UVB rays[4].

Gravitate towards lighter products

When possible, we suggest favoring lighter iterations of the products in your rotation. This is essential to ensure pores don’t become clogged when exposed to harsh sunlight, dirt, and sweat. We also recommend pairing down on makeup for the same reason. It’s summer after all…the perfect time to go au natural.

Hydration, hydration, hydration

The best support you can give your skin in the summer — in addition to routine cleansing — is moisture. Elevating the cool, hydrating products in your collection will make all the difference during peak summer.

Hemp seed oil is an amazing natural moisturizer due to its ability to hydrate without clogging pores and how it regulates oil production. Rich in omega fatty acids and a natural humectant, the hemp seed oil is ideal for the summer sun[5]. We reach for the Hemp Seed Oil Barrier Facial Oil as a hydrating saviour, paired with the Hemp Seed Oil Calming Face Mist.

Elevate your Vitamin C

Summer skin means skin that is exposed to free radicals from UV rays. By integrating products with significant amounts of Vitamin C, you’ll naturally protect your skin from oxidative stress.

Note that during the summer, we recommend avoiding acid use during the day — rather keeping any products with acids for the evening. If you are to use an acid, choose ascorbic acid as it stimulates collagen production.

Simple Does It 

At the end of the day, a successful skincare routine during the summer is rooted in hydration and protection. Spending a bit of extra time each day cleansing, exfoliation, and setting up protection for the skin will make all the difference — especially when you consider the full body, rather than just the face. Any sun exposure can be harmful, but when equipped with a preventative attitude and supportive skincare rituals, summer treats your skin just right.


[1] (5):471-6. doi: 10.1111/1753-6405.12470. PMID: 26437734; PMCID: PMC4606762.

[2] 1 in 34 (females) and 1 in 24 (males)


[4]  Layer Thickness of SPF 30 Sunscreen and Formation of Pre-vitamin D, Manta Grigalavicius, Anticancer Research Mar 2016, 36 (3) 1409-1415;

Olsen CM, Wilson LF, Green AC, Bain CJ, Fritschi L, Neale RE, Whiteman DC. Cancers in Australia attributable to exposure to solar ultraviolet radiation and prevented by regular sunscreen use. Aust N Z J Public Health. 2015 Oct;39

[5] Mikulcová V, Kašpárková V, Humpolíček P, Buňková L. Formulation, Characterization and Properties of Hemp Seed Oil and Its Emulsions. Molecules. 2017 Apr 27;22(5):700. doi: 10.3390/molecules22050700. PMID: 28448475; PMCID: PMC6154611.