Skincare has never been a one-size fits all approach. How could it be? Everyone has different hormones, genetics, sensitivities, and external influences that make tending to our largest organ a deeply individualized practice. Yet somewhere along the way, a collection of skincare myths — most of them very incorrect — became normalized. Just a few that come to the top of our minds:

  • Acne only happens to teenagers (false!)
  • Cucumbers are key to getting rid of undereye bags (true-ish)
  • Sunscreen is only useful when the sun is out (nope)
  • Applying oil clogs the pores (false!)

While we’d love to unpack all these myths, the last one really hits home for ALMAdeLIA. As a company that values the impact of great oil in a skincare routine, we feel like it’s our responsibility to effectively communicate just why oil is one of the greatest additions to a skincare routine. So, let’s dig into it.

What is the benefit of  face oil?

Skin naturally produces oil through sebaceous glands. Sebum, an oily and waxy substance, serves to protect and moisturize the skin. Composed of fatty acids, waxes, sugars, and more, sebum primary function is to ensure that skin is sustaining enough water.[1] The oil that we consider ‘bad’ is sebum mixed with sweat and dead skin, among other microscopic items.

However, natural oil is actually an emollient that strengthens the skin barrier and encourages the regeneration of the skin cells. [2] While our natural processes are doing a great job self-regulating, it’s still beneficial to introduce supportive external oils like hemp seed oil, argan oil, or rosehip oil.

Topical oils derive from plant cells are already rich in antioxidants. This means they naturally neutralize free radicals, which helps the skin retain collagen. Fatty acids found in natural plant oils offer a suite of nutrients and work alongside natural oils to help skin retain moisture without a greased finish. Additionally, plant oils can regulate natural oil production and visibly reduce enlarged pores. So, in this context, they’re friends.

Let’s Talk Best Practices

  1. On order: You always, always, want to use moisturizer before oil as they actually don’t offer the same benefits. As moisturizers are water-based, they absorb very differently into the skin barrier. Ideally, oil is the last step in your skincare routine—it serves to seal your skin barrier and ensure the rest of the actives in your product do their job.
  2. Know your oils: It’s true. Some oils are better than others. Veer away from the heavier oils like coconut that are known for having large molecules and make it difficult for the skin to breathe. Tried and true oils that play well with the skin barrier are jojoba oil, argan oil, and hemp oil. Anything that is light and non-comedogenic is a sure bet.
  3. Give it up for the Gua Sha: More than a relaxing practice, the Gua Sha does an exceptionally wonderful job of both reducing puffiness and ensuring oil deeply reaches the skin barrier. Oil is a key component of the Gua Sha as it helps it permeate the skin more easily. Just use 2-4 drops of oil spread across your face and Gua Sha away.
  4. Pat and press: A reminder that skin is very sensitive, especially around the eyes. Aggressive rubbing can cause microtears, especially around the eyes. You’ll want to gently apply oils to avoid long-term damage.
  5. A Little Goes a Long Way: Oil is magic. You’ll only need a few drops for your skin to soak up its goodness.


Product recommendations:

Hemp Seed Oil Barrier Repair Face Oil:  Divine hydration, say hello to parched skin. By targeting the skin barrier — which plays a key role in preventing skin aging, regulating moisture, and providing anti-inflammatory support—this Barrier Repair Facial Oil (when paired with the Gua Sha) will give you a truly unmatched glow.

The ALMAdeLIA Gua Sha: Composed of Premium Jade, look to this facial massage tool as a means of reducing fine lines and wrinkles. Using a Gua Sha helps oil penetrate the skin barrier, promotes microcirculation, and introduces relaxation into your skincare routine.


[1] Abramovits, Gonzales. Sebum, Cosmetics, and Skin Care. Dermatologic Clinics 2000, 18 (4)

[2] Lin TK, Zhong L, Santiago JL. Anti-Inflammatory and Skin Barrier Repair Effects of Topical Application of Some Plant Oils. Int J Mol Sci. 2017 Dec 27;19(1):70. doi: 10.3390/ijms19010070. PMID: 29280987; PMCID: PMC5796020.