Fact: One of the main ways to keep your skin in its healthiest state is to stay calm, cool, and collected.

But, that’s just not how life works. Every day, we’re faced with choices and influences that shape our well-being, which impact every layer of the skin barrier. Sometimes, this takes the form of external stressors — from work, from your environment, from the weather. Other times, it’s internal.

Over the past few years, poor sleep, stress, and anxiety have reached an all-time high. According to Lightspeed GM/Mintel, over 40% of women think stress is a key factor in impacting facial appearance.

The reciprocal relationship between skin and stress is well studied. In addition to incorporating daily practices like breathing exercises, movement, nourishing diets, and proper sleep, we’ve developed a product that helps bring a sense of ease into your life.

Aromatic, relaxing, and ease you into a state of relaxation that will make your skin say “thank you.” Best used before bedtime, the Hemp Seed Oil Mood Calming Face Mist will help you melt into sleep while instantly hydrating and soothing the skin.

How does stress impact the skin?

In our eyes, we see stress as emotional or physical tension. Stress can cause a chemical response that makes skin susceptible, sensitive, and reactive. When the body senses stress, it releases cortisol, known as a ‘stress hormone.’ The release of cortisol can delay skin healing, disrupt barrier function (which impacts moisture retention), break down collagen in the skin, lead to high blood sugar, and encourage oil production, among other impacts.[1]

What are signs that your skin is stressed?[2]

  • Inflammation: inflammation is a key response to stress as cortisol releases a ‘fight or flight’ response[3]
  • Oil and sebum production: cortisol releases the ‘corticotrophin-releasing hormone’ which stimulates oil production. This excess oil can clog pores and cause skin barrier imbalance.
  • Breakouts: stress imbalances bacteria, creating a welcome environment for acne. Note that stress-induced acne occurs most commonly around the chin and mouth.
  • Dryness and dullness: stress is known to shift hormone levels — this can result in a weakened skin barrier that fails to retain moisture.
  • Long-term conditions like rosacea, eczema, and psoriasis.

Let’s get down to it — why did we develop this formula?

Behind the scenes, there’s a lot of consideration of the products we’d like our community to experience. After an in-depth market analysis of what we felt was missing, we landed on a spray that would help our people feel the state of calm they deserve.

If we’re being honest, after the height of the pandemic we felt that our collective mental and physical well-being was a bit off. While direct skincare products like the Hemp Seed Oil Barrier Repair Facial Oil, have their place in a wellness arsenal (and we love them!), we wanted to shift focus to the heart of great skin: healthy habits like deep sleep and relaxation.

We envision the Hemp Seed Oil Mood Calming Face Mist to be used on a daily basis, especially before going to sleep. Research shows that poor sleep quality significantly impacts skin aging. Poor sleep quality can severely impact skin barrier function, exacerbate psoriasis inflammation, and reduce self-confidence.[4]

Let’s talk ingredients:

This considered blend brings in hero ingredients like Australian-source Kakadu Plum, soothing Lavender Oil, and invigorating Rose. In addition to being impactful in their skin supportive capacities, the ingredients found in this spray have aromatic properties that signal to the body to relax.

Hemp Seed takes centre stage to repair skin and calm your mood thanks to high levels of omega acids which naturally attract moisture to relieve dry skin, calm anxiety, and relieve stress.

Breathe in, breathe out.


[1] ​​Reich A, Wójcik-Maciejewicz A, Slominski AT. Stress and the skin. Giornale Italiano di Dermatologia e Venereologia : Organo Ufficiale, Societa Italiana di Dermatologia e Sifilografia. 2010 Apr;145(2):213-219. PMID: 20467395.

[2] Evers, A. How stress affects the skin: from designs to mechanisms, 2021 Jun 11 British Journal of Dermatology, Volume 185, Issue 1

[3] Liu YZ, Wang YX, Jiang CL. Inflammation: The Common Pathway of Stress-Related Diseases. Front Hum Neurosci. 2017 Jun 20;11:316. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2017.00316. PMID: 28676747; PMCID: PMC5476783.

[4] P. Oyetakin-White, et. al. “Does poor sleep quality affect skin ageing,” Clinical and Experimental Dematology, Volume 40, Issue 1. 2014, September 30